Athena Woman’s Clinic
Esme Anderson, NP
Athena Clinic is committed to a whole person approach in the provision of care. Our focus will be on hormone management and balance, as well as other issues specific to women. This includes a specialized approach in diagnosing and treating:
· Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Menstrual Irregularities & PMS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sleep Disturbances, Hair Loss, Peri menopause & Menopause, Fibromyalgia, Mood Disturbances, Weight Issues, Breast Health, Health Exams, Lab Testing, Individual Health Coaching, Insulin Resistance Management, Facials
We will also provide ongoing primary care including; well and illness care, annual pap smears and breast exams, contraception, and skin-care.
Athena is a clinic dedicated to the needs of women. We welcome you and hope Athena Women’s Clinic can meet your health care needs. Because at Athena you’re not a patient, you’re a friend
Women have unique and personal health care needs across their life span and we are dedicated to providing quality and affordable medical care.